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Teleconsultation for Mole Removal and Skin Cancer (Melanoma)

The Clifford Clinic is offering teleconsultation services for moles and other skin growths that are suspected to be malignant. You may schedule a consultation with us by: Calling us at 6532 2400 WhatsApp at 8318 6332 The Clifford Clinic is currently using Zoom as our preferred teleconferencing software. Our friendly Patient Care Executive will kindly […]
the clifford clinic

Teleconsultation services at The Clifford Clinic

In response to the Circuit Breaker measures in Singapore to combat the spread of COVID-19, The Clifford Clinic is now offering teleconsultations and online sales of prescription medications to better serve our patients. What is teleconsultation? Fundamentally, a teleconsultation is simply just a video call/conference between you, the patient and our doctors. Following the consultation, […]