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Ponytail Facelift: 3 Things To Know About This Procedure

Ponytail Facelift: 3 Things To Know About This Procedure

Ponytail Facelift: 3 Things To Know About This Procedure

Facelift surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures among those looking for a better defined and smoother contour to their face and neck. However, it is easy for patients to be overwhelmed by the number of options available to them – from the classic submuscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) facelift to HIFU Sygmalift; the list goes on.

One of the latest variations of this procedure to resurge in popularity is the Ponytail Facelift. The meaning behind this name is two-fold; firstly, the process involves minimal incisions to the patient’s face, allowing the surgeon to lift the facial tissues on the forehead, brows, and cheeks upward to create a more youthful look – akin to the effects produced when a woman fasten her hair into a tight, high ponytail.

Secondly, the treatment is designed to replicate the effects of a facelift procedure without the traditional scars associated with such treatments. Since the scarring is minimal, patients can continue sporting a ponytail hairdo without having to worry about exposing their surgical scars.

However, after reading this, you’re probably wondering, “This doesn’t sound too different from other quality facelift procedures that promise a more lifted appearance with minimal scarring.” And you are right! The Ponytail Facelift is not a reinvention of the wheel, but it has managed to garner significant attention from those looking to maintain their vibrant and youthful look.

If you are also interested in this procedure and would like to know more, let us share three things you should know about the Ponytail Facelift, so you can have a better idea of whether this treatment is ideal for you.

1. A Ponytail Facelift may mean different things to different aesthetic doctors

A Ponytail Facelift is not a standard aesthetic procedure, like liposuction or a breast enhancement, that all aesthetic doctors are familiar with. It is a catchy term, similar to a mommy makeover, that is primarily coined for marketing purposes. As such, there is no single formula for this procedure. The treatment is dependent on the anatomy and needs of the patient, but the aesthetic goal remains the same.

This does not mean the procedure is ineffective or unreliable. It simply means one should be more thorough in their research and consult a reliable and experienced doctor before undergoing the procedure.

It is vital to note that every facelift procedure is personalised for the individual patient, as everyone has different needs. So while the intended method and outcome achieved may be similar, there will never be a one-size-fits-all approach.

2. A Ponytail Facelift may have limitations

Generally, what aesthetic clinics term Ponytail Facelift refers to a limited endoscopic lift, which is performed using small instruments and a camera. The surgeon will make small incisions along the temporal hairline and lift the underlying tissues to produce a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. This procedure is less invasive as it does not cut into the skin. As such, bruising and scarring are minimal during the recovery period.

However, like any surgical procedure, this technique has its limitations. When performing an endoscopic procedure, it is preferable to have an incision that is away from the area the surgeon wants to lift.

Usually, this means hiding the incision within the hair on the scalp. But the downside is twofold; firstly, the surgeon is unable to remove any skin, and secondly, the patient may run the risk of losing hair if the incision administered near or on the scalp does not heal properly, damaging the surrounding hair follicles.

3. A Ponytail Facelift is suited for younger patients

Unlike a deep plane facelift or a SMAS, a Ponytail Facelift is unable to provide complete correction of a sagging neck or jawline. This is because endoscopic incisions do not allow for skin excision. As such, this procedure is generally recommended for younger patients exhibiting early signs of ageing –fallen cheeks and mild volume loss – as their skin still retains most of its elasticity.

Go with a qualified aesthetic doctor and not a trendy procedure

At the end of the day, it is the aesthetic doctor carrying out the procedure that is the most important. After all, you will want to see consistently excellent results in your before and after-facelift photos to ensure your money is well-spent. And finding and consulting a trusted doctor about your aesthetic goals can help you achieve that.

If you are unsure whether a Ponytail Facelift is suited for you, you may want to consult our experienced doctors at The Clifford Clinic to determine if this treatment is ideal for you. Our doctors have assisted numerous patients with their aesthetic needs, all of which are uniquely designed to cater to every individual. Whether it is a hair transplant or acne treatment, you can rest assured that we will provide you with the best advice to help you bring out the best version of yourself! Contact us to schedule an appointment with us today.