Get your pre-pregnancy body back!
Trying to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy? Exercise and diet may not be enough. Moms often struggle to lose the fat that remains on their abdomen and waist. That “baby belly” doesn’t go away even if it’s been months or years since they gave birth!

The facts about your body after pregnancy
A survey by Baby Center, one of the leading pregnancy and parenting forums in the world, says that 87% never feel their body completely goes back to normal. Even if they shed the pounds, their clothes just don’t fit the same way.
Belly fat is one of the hardest to burn off. Even professional fitness experts will say that doing 100 crunches a day and other target exercises won’t work, because your body doesn’t select where it burns fat. Even women who exercise 3 or more times a week will have to wait a very long time to see any kind of significant toning in the abdomen.
Burn the baby fat with Z-Lipo
Mommies, take heart: you can still get your pre-pregnancy body back! Combine regular exercise and a sensible diet with a treatment like the Z Lipo.
This is a non-invasive treatment that breaks down fat cells by exposing them to short, safe bursts of cold temperature. Your body then flushes out these fragments naturally. This powerful technology has been used all over the world, and has been clinically proven to be safe and effective.
Call us today at (65) 6532 2400, Whatsapp us at (65) 8318 6332 or email us at to book an appointment or enquire on any of our cosmetic services and treatments.

Don’t take risks, see an expert!
Pregnancy acne can be controlled, but don’t do anything without consulting your doctor or a skin expert who has handled several similar cases. It’s especially dangerous to experiment with natural remedies you see on the Internet. Just because something is made of natural plant extracts or homeopathic pills doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s “safer” than something made in a laboratory.
Minimal discomfort
People have different sensitivity to pain, but most patients say that this treatment was relatively painless. There may be a little discomfort during the machine section, but in general it just feels a bit cold. There are many patients who are able to take a nap during the session – it’s that comfortable!
Is Z Lipo right for you?
The Clifford Clinic always customizes every treatment plan for each patient. Z Lipo is very effective for burning small pockets of fat. If you are concerned about weight loss, or want to treat other problems like stretchmarks or sagging breasts, the doctors can create a plan that suits your needs.
To find out more about what you can do to get your pre-pregnancy body back, call The Clifford Clinic.