Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Hair Transplant In Singapore

What happens during hair loss is a miniaturization of the hair follicle due to reduction of blood supply to the follicle.

There are many treatments for hair loss, but none is more definitive and has the highest success rate as a hair transplant.
Today, the most advanced technique used for hair transplant is known as Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUE in Singapore.
Call us today at (65) 6532 2400 to book an appointment on any of our cosmetic services and treatments.
What Are The Common Reasons For Hair Loss
On average, people lose 50 to 100 hairs daily. Since new hair grows at the same time it happens, this is typically unnoticeable. Hair loss occurs when the hair that has fallen out is not replaced by new hair.
One or more of the following reasons are commonly linked to hair loss:
An inherited condition that occurs with aging is the most prevalent cause of hair loss. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia. It is female-pattern baldness or male-pattern baldness that gradually affects both women and men. Additionally, it happens in predictable patterns. In men, it manifests as a receding hairline and bald patches. In women, it occurs as thinning hair around the crown of the scalp.
- Treatments and hairstyles
Excessive hairstyles that pull the hair tight can lead to traction alopecia. Moreover, hair loss can also be caused by hot-oil hair treatments. The hair that falls out can be permanent if scarring develops.
- A traumatic and very stressful event
After mental or physical stress, many individuals notice a general thinning of their hair several months later. Hair loss of this nature is just transient.
- Supplements and medications
Certain medicines can cause hair loss as a side effect. These are usually those that treat high blood pressure, gout, heart issues, depression, arthritis, and cancer.
- Medical conditions and hormonal changes
Medical conditions such as alopecia areata, trichotillomania, and scalp infections can cause hair loss. Alopecia areata is immune system-related that causes patchy hair loss. On the other hand, trichotillomania is a hair-pulling disorder.
Hormonal changes can cause either temporary or permanent hair loss. A few factors include thyroid disorders, menopause, childbirth, and pregnancy.
How Do I Know If I Need Help For My Hair Loss
It is advisable to consult a doctor if you are experiencing unexplained hair loss so that they can determine what is causing it and the best course of treatment to undertake.
Make sure to discuss any other unusual symptoms that you may have noticed during your consultation, such as:
- Skin changes on the body or scalp, such as rashes
- Changes in bowel movements
- Swelling of the limbs
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fever
- Fatigue
Any other information you can provide concerning the speed with which the hair loss happened can be useful. Additionally, any family history of baldness can be deemed helpful as well.
About Hair Transplants
There are many causes of balding. Of these, the most common form by far is male pattern hair loss, or female pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia.
When a person loses hair because of androgenic alopecia, the balding follows a few common patterns. Usually the hairline will start receding, and hair on the crown will start thinning and soon the scalp will start showing through. However, even in the most advanced stages of male and female pattern balding, the back and sides of the scalp will usually still be very thick and strong. This is the most important feature of androgenic alopecia which makes hair transplants so successful.
Most people assume that balding is a problem with the scalp, which is not entirely true! The fact is that most cases of hair loss stem from the hair follicles. Hair follicles on the top of the head are different in nature from the hair follicles on the sides and back of the head. The former is very sensitive to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a form of male hormone. When exposed to DHT over the years, these sensitive follicles will shrink. Following this, the hair shaft that is being produced will gradually reduce in size and eventually, be not visible at all. In contrast, follicles from the back of the head are DHT resistant and do not bald, even after many years of DHT exposure. This makes them ideal donors for FUE hair transplant.
What Happens During a Hair Transplant?
During a hair transplant, healthy, DHT resistant hair follicles are extracted from the back of the head and transplanted to the front and top of the head instead. Essentially, they are “moving house”! Once they have been removed from the back, they won’t grow from the back of the head anymore, and instead will grow from the new location.
Although this will thin out the hair at back of the head, it is usually unnoticeable because there is ample hair in this region which grows straight down. People will typically not notice the reduced density unless you cut your hair really short (1-2mm).
Once hair is moved to their new home, they will continue to grow there for many years. The rule of thumb is that as long as hair continues to grow well in the donor areas, the transplanted hair will continue to grow well in their new location. In reality, that means that your transplanted hair should last many decades, and possibly a lifetime.
About FUE Hair Transplant
There are 2 main methods of extracting hair from the back of the head. The older technique is known as Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and the newer one is known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
FUT involves removing a long strip of scalp from the back of the head, resulting in a long linear scar. This strip of scalp is then dissected into individual follicles which are then re-implanted to the balding area. While FUT is still very useful for certain indications, such as severe donor site insufficiency, we rarely use it these days. This is because FUT is associated with high complication rates, long downtime, severe postoperative pain and unsightly scar.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE), on the other hand, involves harvesting individual follicular units directly from the patient’s donor area one at a time. Each follicular unit contains an average of 2 hairs, but can contain 3 or more hairs. For the majority of FUE patients, the minimized appearance of scarring is the most important advantage over other hair transplant procedures. Therefore, the patient can wear their hair short or shaved without worrying about any noticeable scarring.
There are many variants of FUE that have been coined, sometimes for marketing purposes, such as DHI or Sapphire FUE, but these are just referring to different techniques to achieve essentially the same thing.

FUE also typically has a shorter recovery time compared to other procedures. In fact, most FUE patients are back to their normal activities the day following their procedure. FUE also can be used to extract follicle units from other areas of the body. Hair transplants from the arms, legs, chest and back are sometimes the best and only option for certain patients, especially for those who have limited donor supply or poor quality of donor grafts.
Who Is Suitable for FUE Hair Transplant?

Those who suffer from male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenetic alopecia (AGA), which is caused by hormones and genetic predisposition.
Those who suffer from female pattern hair loss;
People who want to enhance their eyebrow, beard or sideburn. However, people who have underlying illness that causes hair loss like cancer or chemo/radiotherapy, thyroid disease etc. are not good candidates for FUE.
Why Choose Us For FUE Hair Transplant In Singapore?
Hair transplantation is a very technique dependent procedure. We have a full-time team that performs hair transplants every day of the week. We are confident that our operative technique will be able to ensure excellent graft survival rates. With fully certified doctors and a team with many years of experience, we are proud to serve our patients with these unique advantages.
1) Micro-tips
During the procedure, thin micro-tips of 0.7 – 0.9 mm diameter are selected according to the thickness of the hair roots. These tips allow the hair to be removed as it is, without damaging its hair roots and without disturbing its natural structure. By using these professional designed microsurgery equipment, the scalp is minimally affected and is preserved, resulting in almost imperceptible scars. Postoperative pain is also decreased along with rapid recovery time, and the ability to get more grafts to meet the patient’s requirement.
2) Bio-solution
Storage of Hair Grafts outside of the body significantly impacts the success rate of procedures. Our doctors carefully select the most advanced bio-technology solution that offers the greatest level of protection and the lowest level of stress on the graft during its time outside of the body.
This reduced stress increases the probability for improved survival and growth of follicular units post-transplantation
The special solution also provides nutrients to hair roots and stimulates the growth process of the cells, thus directly counteracting the degradative intra cellular processes. The combination ensures fresh hair roots which can adapt themselves to their new environment.
3) Dense-packing
We regularly meet patients who have uncertainty about the radically different information received from the various doctors they have consulted. This is certainly the case concerning the number of grafts to be transplanted and the intended coverage.
Generally speaking, the more, the better. For instance, a transplanted hair density of 60 transplant units per square cm works much better as compared to a density of 40 units with the same hair characteristics. Hence, we provide “dense packing”, a thickening technique that can achieve very high density, creating a believably-natural frontal hair line.
We endeavour to achieve as high a density as possible in the hairline and the forward part of the head. This is a must in order to have good coverage to get a good visual result. We generally recommend more hair roots than what other institutes recommend.
However, not every patient is a good candidate for dense packing. Our doctors will only provide honest and professional recommendations during the consultation. Depending on your age, donor site adequacy and extent of balding, our doctors will recommend the most appropriate strategy for achieving the best results.
Dense-packing hair transplant treatment is labour-intensive, requiring a great deal of time, patience, talent and experience from both the doctors and the surgical team.
4) Mega-session
FUE hair transplant mega-sessions refers to transplanting a large number of grafts (more than 3000 grafts) in a single session. This produces a faster end result and the convenience of having an FUE hair transplant in a single session rather than over several sessions. It requires a truly experienced and trained TEAM of technicians as well as a meticulous doctor. We are one of very few clinics in the region that can provide this service.
At Clifford, we perform megasessions with great success due to our mastery using micro-sized openings, special implanting techniques, and experienced, well-organized FUE hair transplant surgical team and strict quality control.
When dense packing is combined with mega-sessions, you have a formula for providing the greatest amount of hair, with the thickest possible result, with the greatest possible coverage, with the least amount of trauma to the skin, in the fewest number of procedures possible.
5) Body hair
Transplantation of body hair to the scalp offers an option for treating extensive cases of baldness with poor donor scalp. We are able to recruit hairs from the beard and all over the body. This vastly expands the donor pool and makes the maximal use of every follicular resource.
6) Unshaven-FUE. (Undetectable FUE)
Unshaven or Undetectable FUE, is where hair does not get shaved during the surgery. Compared to the traditional FUE, it is required for all hair to be shaved to facilitate extraction and placement of grafts since most of the hair transplant surgery equipment is only effective with shaven hair. In U-FUE, only the grafts to be extracted are shaved, while the rest of the untouched hair remains intact. And in the recipient area, recipient sites are made within the existing hair. When healing, the scabs and redness can be hidden by the existing hair. This helps make the surgery undetectable since the rest of the hair can cover the traces of the surgery from being noticed.
The disadvantages are time, cost and less grafts transplanted. The workload involved in this surgery is exponentially more, so it will be more expensive and less grafts can be extracted per case.
7) Latest technology
We harness the latest technology to bring you the best outcomes. We were the first doctors in Singapore to have the ARTAS hair transplantation robot, and currently employ a Smart Punch FUE system with latest generation punches to deliver reliable and consistent outcomes to you. For implantation, we employ the latest range of micro-implanter pens for better graft protection and precision implanting. Our doctor will share more about our techniques during the consultation.
Call us today at (65) 6532 2400, Whatsapp us at (65) 8318 6332 or email us at to book an appointment or enquire on any of our cosmetic services and treatments.
Our Certified Hair Transplant Doctors

Dr. Gerard Ee
Dr. Gerard Ee is the founder and medical director of The Clifford Clinic. He is fully accredited in cosmetic treatments including fillers, Botox, light therapies, and more. Driven by his passion for sharing his expertise across the medical community, Dr. Ee has accumulated his surgical experiences internationally from working in the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, National University Hospital (NUH), and Singapore General Hospital (SGH).
Dr. Chow Yuen Ho
Dr. Chow Yuen Ho is the founder and medical director of The Clifford Clinic. With over 10 years of clinical practice experience, the reputable aesthetic doctor specializes in non-invasive aesthetic and acne treatments. Dr. Chow has accomplished so much in this field. He served as the founding Director of Medical Informatics at SGH and then as the Managing Director of the Asian division of Alert Life Sciences Computing.

Is FUE hair transplant permanent?
At The Clifford Clinic, we will harvest hairs from regions that do not fall out easily. These hairs are thought to be permanent. However, there is no guarantee that the hairs will never fall out.
Are the results from an FUE hair transplant immediate?
Hair will begin to grow right away and thicken in around 3 months. A sufficient thickness may usually be reached 6 months following the treatment. It might take anywhere from 9 to 12 months to acquire maximum hair thickness in some circumstances.
Is FUE hair transplant an invasive procedure?
An FUE hair transplant is a minimally invasive and low-risk hair transplantation.
How many hair grafts will I need?
The amount of hair grafts needed depends on the type of hair loss.
Type A
● Beginning stage: 1200 to 2000 grafts.
● Second stage: 2500 to 3000 grafts.
● Final stage: >4000 grafts.
Type O
● Beginning stage: 1500 to 2000 grafts.
● Second stage: 2500 to 3000 grafts.
● Final stage: >4000 grafts.
Type M
● Beginning stage: 800 to 1200 grafts.
● Second stage: 1500 to 2500 grafts.
● Final stage: >4000 grafts.
Type O + M
● Beginning stage: 2300 to 3200 grafts.
● Second stage: 3500 to 4000 grafts.
● Final stage: >4000 grafts.
Is FUE hair transplant a painful procedure?
Most patients indicate that the surgery was painless both during the treatment and throughout the post-op recovery period. At home, most people did not require any painkillers.
In the first few weeks after surgery, you may experience irritation, numbness, and slight tingling discomfort.
What is the success rate of FUE hair transplant?
On average, 80 to 90 percent of transplanted hairs will grow. However, there are several cases where transplanted hairs do not grow. This might be due to a variety of factors. Some of them include the patient’s health, a lack of blood flow, infection, and poor healing.