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Hair Transplant 101: Procedure Details, Cost, Reviews & More

Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant Singapore

Hair Transplant 101: Procedure Details, Cost, Reviews & More

Getting a Hair Transplant in Singapore – A review and price and update of the procedure

Have you ever consider doing a hair transplant but finds it too expensive? Is cost the main deciding factor for you? Do you know what hair transplant entails?

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Here’s what you need to know about hair transplant surgery:

1. What are the options surrounding Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant surgery?

Hair was once thought to grow as individual strands. However, as technology improved, we were able to visualize these grafts under high power magnification. Each of these follicular units consists of one to four hair follicles.

The process of hair restoration or hair transplantation requires the doctor to remove the individual follicular units from the donor site (usually it’s on the back or sides of the head) and then transplant them to the area of concern.

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Hair transplant is a procedure that involves shifting of healthy hair follicular units to the affected area where the hair is thinning or baldness is visible. Each follicular unit consists of an average of 1 – 4 strands of hair.

A traditional FUE Hair Transplant requires the doctor to remove the individual follicular units manually. Hair grafts are harvested individually in a very precise manner from the donor site. Once transplanted, the hair will grow for a person’s lifetime.

Different robotic hair transplant systems can be used. However, the most commonly used robot is ARTAS Robotic. Clinics tend to talk about ARTAS robotic hair transplant and they often compare it to traditional FUE. The truth is, they may not own an ARTAS Robot at all. The Clifford Clinic is the first clinic in Singapore to own an ARTAS Robot so believe it when we say we know ARTAS well.

ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant uses robotic technology to carry out the transplant where hair grafts are extracted by a highly precise instrument. ARTAS system automates the labour intensive process of hair graft extractions, maintaining the consistency and accuracy throughout. Hair follicular units that are extracted with ARTAS Robot experience lesser trauma to the hair grafts as well.

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2. What does hair transplant surgery involve?

Hair transplant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. Depending on the number of grafts required, some hair transplant procedure may take up to 8 hours to complete while some may be required to come back on the following day.

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Steps involved in a hair transplant procedure:

1) Shaving and outline
2) Anaesthesia injections over harvest sites
3) Hair graft extraction, counting, and cleaving
4) Anaesthesia injections again over implantation sites
5) Site marking with an implanter pen
6) Graft implantation

After the hair transplant, it is not advisable to go back to work as you will be wearing a bandage to keep the donor site free from bacteria. Bandage will be removed one day later. The nurses will guide you on how to take care of the transplanted hair and scalp.

Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant Singapore

3. What is the recovery period for hair transplant?

Some of our patients are well enough to go back to work the next day. Hair at the donor area may take up to a week for it to grow out enough to cover the marks. Scabs may form during the healing process but they will drop off within a week.

Physical activity is not advisable for the next 2-3 days after the hair transplant surgery. Steam rooms and swimming should be avoided for the next 2 months.

4. Who is suitable for hair transplant surgery?

Suitable candidates should have:

  • No major medical condition
  • Sufficient hair at a healthy donor site
  • Healthy blood vessels
  • Male & Female Pattern Hair Loss, Alopecia Areata or Scarring Alopecia

If a hair transplant is not for you, you can always opt for Regenera Activa, an autologous micro-graft treatment where regenerative cells are extracted from the healthy area of your scalp to stimulate the areas that are losing hair.

Regenera Activa doesn’t require the transfer of hair follicles. It works by extracting micro-grafts derived from 2.0mm samples of your healthy scalp, and injecting the regenerative cells onto the hair thinning and hair loss areas.

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5. How long will it take for results to show after a hair transplant?

You can start seeing improvements within 3 to 4 months but the final results will only be seen one year after the transplant as the scalp has to go through several growth phases. It may take a lot of patience but the results from a hair transplant are permanent.

Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant Singapore

6. Will the transplanted hair fall out?

Yes, the transplanted hair will fall out within one month after the hair transplant surgery but it is temporary. This is normal as the follicles are traumatized by their relocation. Healthy follicles will start promoting new hair growth and new hair will continue to thicken for the next six to nine months.

To find out more, simply search for hair transplant reviews online to gain a better understanding from patients who have recently undergone the procedure.

7. Does hair transplant procedure leave scars?

The spots at the donor area are only 0.8mm in size. You will have to look really closely to be able to see the spots. In fact, for some cases, no one will be able to tell that you have had a hair transplant done after you have fully recovered.

8. How much does hair transplant procedure cost?

Hair transplant costs can be quite taxing, but a worthwhile investment nonetheless. At The Clifford Clinic, we allow payment to be made via a 6 or 12-month installment at $4 per graft.

9. What are the factors to consider before going for hair transplant surgery?

  • Comfortability

Hair transplant or hair restoration surgery is a medical procedure that has to be performed by a professional team of doctors and nurses. Being comfortable and confident with the clinic and team are very important.

  • Expertise and experience of the doctors and team

Choose your hair transplant surgeon extremely wisely. Look for doctors who are trained in this field is important. Better still, choose a doctor that has had the procedure done on himself! Only he or she will be able to share his hair restoration journey with you.

Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant Singapore

Make sure that the doctor whom you are visiting for your hair transplantation surgery can answer all your questions confidently instead of suggesting medications or other regenerative procedures to stop hair loss or claim to improve the condition of the remaining hairs. Your doctor should also be able to provide you with a list of hair transplant reviews and past case studies for your reference. This way, you can ensure that the clinic is reputable, with a long-standing history of operations.

  • Equipment and support

The Clifford Clinic is the first clinic in Singapore to have ARTAS hair transplantation robot and the doctors have since built on that experience to bring more reliable and desirable results.

The experienced doctors and team at The Clifford Clinic are always ready to assist and guide you in your post-treatment care to ensure full recovery and a successful hair transplant. They are only a call or a text away.

  • Cost

Price matters. Precisely. But the results of the hair transplant matter even more. Factors like graft survival rate are very important because of the limited number of hair follicles one has. Unfortunately, hair follicles that do not survive the transplant will not regrow and this will result in lesser follicles; lesser hair strands sitting on the head. Hence, this brings us back to the expertise of the clinic.

Discuss a payment plan with your desired clinic if hair transplant cost is a deciding factor for you. The Clifford Clinic allows the payment to be made via a 6 or 12-month installment.

At the end of the day, do more background research of the doctors and clinics so that you can make a wise choice!

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