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As Good As Gold: Sebacia Microparticles For Acne-Free Skin

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As Good As Gold: Sebacia Microparticles For Acne-Free Skin

It has been nearly two decades since there has been any innovation in the acne treatment industry – and the escalating concern about antibiotic resistance has driven the need for a more effective, safe and durable treatment.

The problem with majority of acne treatments to date (e.g. Isotretinoin, birth control pills and antibiotics) is that they only target one or more of the symptoms of acne – instead of treating the root cause of the condition.

So, while they may provide temporary relief and mild improvement – acne can still recur once treatment stops. Those suffering from severe acne may also not see much results with some of these treatments.

Why acne is so hard to treat

It is well-known that acne is caused by 3 main factors:

Excessive oil production by sebaceous glands
Clogged pores
Bacterial proliferation, specifically the P.acnes bacteria

Being a multi-factorial problem that manifests in the form of blackheads, pimples and even deep acne scars – this makes acne one of the most difficult skin issues to treat, especially if you suffer from hormonal acne. This is why the best acne spot treatment should be highly customized and include a combination approach to treating acne.

Tackling acne at its source: Sebacia microparticles

Approved by the FDA in 2018 – Sebacia microparticles is the groundbreaking treatment that both doctors and patients have been waiting for.

Produced by Sebacia Inc., a dermatology and aesthetics company – the Gold Photothermal Therapy (PTT) treatment involves delivering Sebacia microparticles deep into the pores where the sebaceous glands are found, and heating them up with a dermatology laser to shrink and minimize their activity.

Since it works to directly target the sebaceous glands – this effectively reduces the amount of oil they produce, and thus reduces the likelihood of clogged pores and inflammation down the line. Given that the P.acnes bacteria thrives in oily environments – this means that eliminating the sebaceous glands ends up removing all the symptoms of acne!

Plenty of studies have been done to demonstrate the effectiveness of Sebacia microparticles – by far the most recent involves a 24-month study done in Europe and the U.S. with equally positive results.

Patients were prescribed a 2 – 4 week course of topical retinoids, followed by 3 weekly, in-office Gold PTT treatments. The results showed a 92% average improvement in acne inflammatory lesion count (ILC) at 24 months compared to baseline. Of the 76 patients, 77% of them were free of acne medication at 24 months, and no serious adverse effects were reported.

In another separate report conducted with Asian patients – Gold PTT was also deemed to be both safe and effective.

Given its excellent safety profile – Sebacia microparticles are biocompatible with human tissues and thus ideal for penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin. Designed to work selectively and locally – there is no need to worry about damage to the surroundings tissues with this treatment.

Why can’t laser treatment alone do the job?

The lasers used in Gold PTT treatment are nothing new – and are simply used to activate the gold microparticles and convert them into heat energy.

Although acne laser treatment alone has also proven to be effective – it can only go so far as it is unable to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin without potentially being harmful to the surrounding tissues.

Due to its permanent effect on the sebaceous glands, Sebacia microparticles are a viable cure for persistent acne as well! As studies have also reported, many patients may find themselves being able to stop their acne medication for good – something that laser treatment does not offer.

This is good news for patients who do not wish to be reliant on drugs and systemic medication such as Accutane – a medication which although similarly tries to target the sebaceous glands, is widely known for its adverse effects such as possible birth defects in women and increased cholesterol.

The treatment process

The Clifford Clinic’s Gold PTT treatment involves 4 key steps:

Cleansing the face
Massaging the gold microparticles onto the skin
Cooling the skin
Laser treatment

In just 30 – 45 minutes per session, and a total of 3 treatments over a 1-week period – patients can expect a significant improvement and clearance of their acne around 6 weeks after the last treatment.

With no downtime and results that last you up to 12 months – we highly recommend anyone who is suffering from mild to severe acne, or have  exhausted all their options to try our Gold PTT treatment today!

Contact us at (65) 6532 2400 to book your appointment!


What are gold microparticles?

Gold microparticles are essentially bulk gold that has been broken down into much smaller compounds – usually with a diameter between 1 to 100 nanometers. This makes them ideal for penetrating the tiny pores in the skin and reaching its target, i.e., the sebaceous glands.

The Sebacia microparticle is engineered with gold wrapped around a silica core – designed to selectively absorb the light from a laser system, and locally work its magic on the sebaceous glands.

What makes your Gold PTT treatment different from other acne treatments?

Gold PTT treatment is the only acne treatment by far that treats acne at its source – something which other conventional treatments have yet to fully realize. It is suitable for both male and female patients, and avoids a daily regimen that many patients favor.

Can I combine Sebacia with other acne treatments?

In short, yes.

At our clinic, we believe in using a combination approach to provide a more holistic treatment for our patients. Using facials, chemical peels, laser treatments, and topical and oral therapy, we offer an extensive range of acne and acne scar removal treatments that helps to improve its appearance and ensure that acne does not recur.

In fact, Gold PTT treatment actually works best when appropriately paired with treatments that address other underlying issues.

Why should I get Gold PTT treatment done at The Clifford Clinic?

We are proud to be the first clinic in Singapore to offer Gold PTT treatment – combined with 20 years of experience working with acne, our doctors are well-equipped to tackle even the toughest acne cases!