Acne Affects More Than Your Skin: Its Impact On Mental Health
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in Singapore, with research showing that it affects up to 88% of adolescents and adults. However, despite how common this skin condition is, it is undeniable that acne problems can have a negative impact on one’s mental well-being and self-esteem.
Evidence shows that every form of acne can lead to psychological discomfort even if the type and severity might differ. Acne may occasionally be a component of or contribute to a mental health issue.
Given the fact that facial appearance contributes significantly to an individual’s self-esteem and body image, it is unsurprising that acne problems can affect more than one’s skin and have psychological effects as well. In this article, we discuss the effects acne may have on an individual’s mental health.
The stigmatization of acne
Acne is not something that is well-represented in modern society. Social media, pop culture and other forms of advertisement tend to portray acne problems in a negative light. This may cause acne sufferers to believe that their acne problems are “not normal”. Consequently, these individuals may develop mental health disorders or have their existing mental health disorders further aggravated due to the stigma attached to acne in our society.
Social withdrawal and low self-esteem
Individuals who are in the midst of forming their social identities and building their self-images will find acne outbreaks particularly challenging.
As pimples begin to show, individuals may experience poor or a loss of self-esteem and confidence. Often, many acne sufferers are uncomfortable or ashamed of their skin. The proliferation of beliefs surrounding the causes of acne may even make an individual feel guilty or ashamed.
Sometimes, these feelings may be so strong that individuals may avoid social events and interactions or put off things they really want to do. If there is bullying or teasing involved, this will also result in individuals feeling inferior and becoming more likely to withdraw within themselves.
As mentioned earlier, acne may have a significant negative influence on how you feel about yourself and how you interact with other people.
According to studies, acne and depression may go hand in hand. People with acne have been observed to experience depression up to three times more frequently than those without. For certain acne sufferers, suicidal thoughts may also be an issue. Some studies estimate that 5% of those with acne and depression will also have suicidal thoughts.
Prevent emotional distress with acne treatments at The Clifford Clinic
Acne is more likely to have a more significant emotional impact the longer it persists. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to get acne treatment in Singapore to clear the skin and prevent the issue from worsening.
The Clifford Clinic has the best acne dermatologists in Singapore who can help you defeat acne problems with a variety of effective adult acne treatments that are exclusively available at our clinic. Our skilled doctors are equipped with the professional know-how to resolve your acne issues, help you regain confidence and eliminate any potential emotional distress that may arise from acne problems.
One such treatment you may opt for is our AGNES acne treatment. With most patients seeing a 50 to 70% reduction in acne outbreaks after the first treatment, AGNES acne is a long-term cure for recurring acne. To find all the clogged and damaged pores on your face, our licensed doctor will inspect it under a microscope. Next, a thin wire linked to the AGNES machine shocks the oil-producing gland with a little electrical current. The gland’s size is reduced, and the amount of oil it produces is controlled. Without oil, a blockage cannot develop and hence, no pimples may appear!
Our Gold Photothermal Therapy Treatment (PTT) may also be helpful for those suffering from mild to cystic acne and who have frequent breakouts. Gold nanoparticles were discovered to successfully lessen the appearance of inflammatory acne lesions in a controlled clinical experiment. This non-invasive and comfortable treatment focuses on the oil-producing sebaceous glands, which contribute to the development of acne. There are three therapy sessions over the course of a week. Around six weeks following the final treatment, you may anticipate an improvement in your acne. At three months, patients had an average improvement of 34%, and at six months, the number of inflammatory lesions had decreased by 60%.
Hence, if your acne problems are making you feel down and are affecting your mental health, do not hesitate to book an appointment with us today!