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5 Science-Based Treatments To Stop And Prevent Hair Loss

Hair Transplant, Hair Transplant Singapore

5 Science-Based Treatments To Stop And Prevent Hair Loss

Otherwise known as alopecia, hair loss is a common issue that the majority of us would have faced at some point in our lives.

Whether it is temporary or permanent, almost everyone will agree that losing our crowning glory can be a stressful and challenging experience, to say the least.

The cause of hair loss can vary widely—from genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, chronic stress to the natural ageing process—men, women, children and even younger adults are not immune to hair loss.

A typical human scalp contains 100,000 hair follicles that are in a constant cycle of growth, rest and renewal. But while it is predetermined to grow long and thick hair, what does it mean when we start noticing more hairs falling than usual, bald patches or a receding hairline?

Why does hair loss occur in the first place?

In short, while the anagen phase (active growing phase) tends to last for 3-6 years, this duration has been shortened for those experiencing hair loss for whatever reason.

Before treating hair loss, the first step is to always diagnose and identify the root cause of your hair loss.

Here are some hair loss types and their causes:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia: most common cause of hair loss in both men and women. Otherwise known as male or female pattern hair loss, it is primarily caused by the sensitivity of the scalp to the androgen DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
  • Alopecia Areata: patchy and unpredictable hair loss that is considered to be an autoimmune response in which the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles.
  • Telogen Effluvium: diffuse hair loss which can occur after a period of physical and emotional stress that usually resolves by itself once the stressor is removed. Shedding can last up to 6 months.
  • Illness and nutritional deficiencies: thyroid diseases or iron deficiency, such as those caused by crash dieting can result in hair loss.
  • Traction Alopecia: tight curling and certain hairstyles can put excessive tension on the follicles that cause them to fall off over time.

Important to note is that losing more hair than usual doesn’t necessarily equate to going bald. However, thinning hair is usually one of the first signs of minor to moderate hair loss.

Unfortunately, there isn’t yet a cure to baldness—but here’s the catch: there are plenty of treatments designed to ensure that the hairs that you have on your head right now will stay there for as long as possible.

Here are 5 tried-and-tested treatments that you can try to prevent and stop hair loss in its tracks:

#1: Fraxel Thulium Laser (1,927nm)

There are tons of lasers out in the market to date, but one of the best lasers that can be used to prevent hair loss is the Fractionated Thulium Laser.

Working at a wavelength of 1,927nm to stimulate the scalp, it helps to improve blood flow and circulation to the hair follicles to nourish and trigger them to enter the growth phase.

By simultaneously removing dead skin cells and stimulating cell rejuvenation—new, healthier hair is encouraged to grow. With no adverse side effects and minimal discomfort, the procedure is an ideal choice for both telogen effluvium and females experiencing androgenetic alopecia.

A 2018 study concluded that thulium laser monotherapy was able to result in significantly increased hair density and thickness, with post-laser treatment application of growth factors solution offering better results by improving overall hair density and coverage of the scalp!

#2: Regenera Activa

An FDA-approved treatment that has been rigorously tested and clinically proven to work is Regenera Activa, which utilizes what is known as Autologous Micrografting Technology (AMT) to kickstart hair follicles that are in the resting phase.

The micrografts are taken from the back of your scalp and prepared to create a solution that contains over 100,000 regenerative cells and growth factors before being injected into the areas experiencing hair loss.

Just in case you aren’t aware: growth factors are proteins in our scalp that can aid hair growth by stimulating the cells in our body to help with repair and healing, which in turn helps to stimulate hair growth, stop hair loss and strengthen existing hair follicles.

In just 45 minutes and one session, clinical studies have shown improvements in patients in both hair count, density and scalp coverage in just 1 month, with results that can last up to 3 years with proper aftercare!

Most of the time, Regenera Activa is used in combination with other hair loss treatments including topical finasteride and growth factors for superior outcomes.

The only downside to the treatment is that it is not as useful to help with large areas of baldness. For that, you will most likely have to undergo a hair transplant with Regenera Activa as a complement procedure.

#3: Bellasonic

At our clinic, we also offer Bellasonic—a treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to achieve a plethora of benefits, including improved blood circulation and boosting the natural regenerative process from South Korea which utilizes ultrasound technology to bring about a multitude of effects!

Hailing from South Korea, it works great to treat hair loss as it stimulates the cells responsible for hair growth. At the same time, the vibration from the ultrasound also improves blood flow and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the areas that need it most.

But what makes Bellasonic stand out is that it can be used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments as it boosts the delivery of treatment drugs to penetrate deeper into the skin by enhancing the skin’s absorption ability.

Best of all: the treatment is completely painless and requires zero downtime!

#4: Topical and oral medications, injection of growth factors

The first line of therapy for androgenetic alopecia or hair loss, in general, is often topical and oral medications.

By far the only two, FDA-approved treatments for alopecia to date are topical minoxidil and oral finasteride—the former working to dilate the blood vessels and improving blood flow to the scalp while the latter primarily blocks the action of DHT hormones.

Some common side effects with minoxidil include scalp irritation and even unwanted face or body hair. More severe symptoms such as chest pains, headache and dizziness may also occur. For finasteride, it can even decrease libido and result in erectile dysfunction which makes it less attractive as a hair loss treatment.

Because finasteride is not often prescribed for ladies, spironolactone is an alternative that works by inhibiting androgens which can slow down the progression of hair loss.

Injecting growth factors (e.g., IGF-1, IGF-2) into the scalp can also promote cell regeneration and studies have shown including this treatment can be promising for reversing male and female pattern hair loss.

#5: Hair Transplant

While the above tactics are help prevent the progression of hair loss, they are also limited in helping those experiencing moderate-to-severe hair loss.

If that’s the case, they will find it beneficial to seek the help of a professional aesthetic doctor to determine what’s going on.

Depending on several factors such as the type and severity of your hair loss and the cause of it, your doctor should then prescribe several treatment options that fit your needs and preferences.

For example, a permanent, long-term solution to treating androgenetic alopecia is a hair transplant.

Working based on donor dominance, the surgery involves taking hair follicles from the back and sides of the head (areas that aren’t sensitive to the DHT hormone) and transplanting them to areas that are experiencing hair loss.

The FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant are two of the most commonly done hair transplant procedures today—the latter being the more advanced way of harvesting and transplanting high-quality hair without leaving a long scar.

At our aesthetic clinic, we are proud to also a list of advantages to our patients including the ARTAS hair transplant, Unshaven-FUE and No-Downtime hair transplant to cater to those who want to keep their hair long and return to their daily activities as soon as possible.

One of the most important factors with a hair transplant is ensuring the highest survival rate at the optimal density to create a beautiful, natural-looking hairline.

But not to worry! Our doctors and team of technicians perform hair transplants every week and have perfected our techniques to ensure excellent graft rates.

In addition to the use of professionally designed microsurgery equipment and micro-tips, we are able to minimize recovery times, reduce the risk of side effects and give our patients the best possible results!

Take control of your hair’s destiny today @ The Clifford Clinic

We always advise our patients to seek early intervention as the longer hair loss has been going on, the more hairs are going to be irreversibly lost.

But because medications and laser therapy are limited in what they can achieve for patients who are dealing with more severe cases of hair loss, especially advanced androgenetic alopecia, a hair transplant is often the best treatment in which the other modalities can work synergistically to optimize results.

In general, if you are losing more than 100 strands or 10% of your hair and haven’t noticed a decrease in hair loss even after two months, it’s time to seek help.

At The Clifford Clinic, we don’t just treat hair loss but also a wide variety of conditions from head to toe. Our doctors have over 20 years of experience in treating difficult and complex issues; having developed unique protocols and gathered a plethora of treatment modalities that allow us to offer one of the best acne treatment in Singapore!

Hair loss is a multifactorial condition that can be easily managed with the proper steps taken—contact us to learn more about our hair loss treatment price and book your consultation today!