10 Myths About Hair Transplants You Should NOT Believe
About 40% of men will start noticing baldness by the age of 40 – and the percentage only increases as we grow older.
The most common type of hair loss in both men and women is known as androgenetic alopecia – in men, this begins as balding at the frontal hairline which starts to recede, and gradually becomes narrower and higher overtime. In women, it appears much more diffused; starting with a widening part down the middle of their scalp, and progresses into complete baldness if not diagnosed and treated promptly.
Hair loss is largely due to the increased sensitivity of hair follicles to a specific hormone called Dihydrotesterone (DHT) that inhibits hair growth. While hair transplants do not completely stop hair loss – they have quickly grown to become a popular procedure to restore a full bed of hair in the most natural way possible.
With more and more people considering hair transplants as a viable solution to treat hair loss – there comes many more myths that can confuse you from making the best decision.
Which is why we are here to debunk 10 common myths that you definitely should NOT believe!
Myth #1: Only men are suitable for hair transplants.
Despite majority of hair transplants being done with male patients – it is entirely possible for a small number of women to undergo the surgery as well. In fact, about 13% of hair transplants are actually done with female patients!
Since the characteristics of female pattern baldness is different from that of males, i.e., they often notice hair loss that is dispersed throughout the entire scalp – this often means that they have a sparser donor area for doctors to work with. However, hair transplants can still be a very successful procedure that offers many benefits for women when conducted in the right hands.
Myth #2: FUE is better than FUT.
FUT and FUE are two common techniques that are often compared to in the industry, and despite having the same goals – the way they are performed are largely different, which also brings about different results.
They each come with their own set of pros and cons; and rather compare them as apples to apples – patients should focus on choosing a doctor that has excellent hand-eye coordination, a good understanding of hair anatomy, and endurance.
Since every individual’s condition and hair type is different, the best doctors offer a wide range of solutions so that patients can decide on which treatment best fits their expectations.
Myth #3: The higher the number of grafts, the better the results.
In the case of hair transplants, more is not always better.
For any hair restoration surgery – the goal is to achieve the highest amount of hair density in the most natural way possible. This often requires a higher number of grafts to be extracted; however, should not be confused with “over-harvesting” – which can lead to the poor graft survival rates, low quality grafts, and ugly scarring. This can be completely avoided with good judgement and planning by the doctor.
At The Clifford Clinic, we are able to offer mega-sessions (more than 3000 grafts) to our patients while ensuring the highest quality hair grafts. Using micro-tips for extraction, an advanced bio-technology solution for storage, and dense-packing techniques – we are able to optimize every step of the surgery to achieve the best results possible.
Myth #4: Hair transplants are way too expensive.
Today, one hair graft will cost you about $5, and depending on how many hair grafts you need and the machine that is being used, the price may or may not increase. Patients usually need anywhere from 1,500 to 5,000 grafts.
Yes, hair transplants may cost more than oral medications and laser therapy initially, but given its relatively fast and long-lasting results – patients often find that the investment is well worth it, and much more cost-effective than they imagined.
Myth #5: It is better to do a hair transplant when you are young and just starting to experience hair loss.
Hair loss can take years to completely mature, and the best doctors will advise you to wait until your hair loss is stable before you make your decision.
In fact, the best patients are often those that are in their 40s and older. These are the patients that are facing significant hair loss that is easily predictable, and is the reason why patients under the age of 25 are often advised to wait a little longer – doing hair transplant surgery too early can result in wasted time and money.
Myth #6: A hair transplant always guarantees success.
While hair transplants have a very high success rate – it needs the right candidate, a skilled doctor, and a competent team to guarantee optimal results.
There are many intricate details that go into a successful hair transplant, such as choosing the optimal hair angle for implantation and being able to effectively utilize the area to create the desired density without being too unnatural.
Myth #7: Hair transplant results are permanent.
This myth actually holds some truth to it.
Transplanted hairs should technically last forever as it is retrieved from the safe donor area – and is thus resistant to DHT. Patients usually notice their transplanted hairs falling off during the first 2– 3 weeks after their surgery, but this is completely normal due to the natural hair cycle. However, they should begin to gradually grow in the succeeding months, with optimum results seen in a year.
However, hair transplant does not stop further hair loss from outside the transplant area and safe donor zone – which is why you may be required to supplement your surgery with oral and topical medications.
Myth #8: Only one hair transplant surgery is required.
Unfortunately, genetic balding such as androgenetic alopecia never really stops.
For many patients whose baldness have yet to fully stabilize, this can mean a second hair restoration surgery further down the line. There are also patients that may have seen unsatisfactory results with their first hair transplant and would like to either increase density or account for any additional hair loss. In these cases, a second or third hair transplant surgery is possible.
Once again, working with an experienced doctor who has the vision to take into account any future hair loss can minimize the need for another surgery.
Myth #9: Hair transplants are the best solution for hair loss.
The first-line of therapy for hair loss are topical and oral medications such as finasteride and minoxidil. While they are useful in slowing down hair loss or promoting regrowth – they often require continual commitment and limited results that work better on younger patients who are experiencing mild hair loss.
For those experiencing greater hair loss and desire a more dramatic transformation – hair transplants is your best option.
Ideally, doctors should work on a combination approach to treat hair loss. There are plenty of research that shows great results when hair transplant surgeries are complemented with other solutions.
This is why we offer a list of solutions such as growth serums, laser treatments, and even Regenera Activa that is ideal for both men and women at our clinic!
Myth #10: It is easy to regain the hair density that you once had when you are young.
There are many patients who expect to achieve a hair density that is close to what they had when they were younger – but this is just a set-up for disappointment.
While hair transplants can definitely help you to achieve a high density of hair – it is often still less than what it was before. Most of the work is done at the frontal and crown area, largely due to the limited supply of hairs at the back of your head, so make sure you speak to your doctor about what results they can achieve for you.
Hair transplants aren’t just a science – but an art form. This is why it takes an exceptional doctor who has years of experience and acumen in hair anatomy to pull it off. From the planning phase, extraction, harvesting and storage, implantation, to proper post-op care – everything needs to be meticulously executed in order to achieve the best results.
There are many ways that a hair transplant can go wrong, but you can make it go right by choosing the right doctor. Our doctors have decades of experience and are backed by a strong team of hair transplant technicians who has served thousands of patients over the years. Our hair loss treatment price is designed to be as affordable as possible, and we also offer one of the best acne laser treatment in Singapore – contact us to book your consultation now!